Fist to Five Voting, Upgraded as a Visual Collaboration ToolHelping groups reach consensus and alignment can be a difficult challenge. I’ve found this revamped version of ‘fist to five voting’…Jan 281Jan 281
Why I Believe “Playful Things to Think With” Can Change the WorldSome of you may be aware of my personal mission:Jan 233Jan 233
Practical Visual Collaboration in 10 MinutesThis is inspired by Typography in ten minutes, which promises “if you learn and follow these five typography rules, you will be a better…Oct 30, 2024Oct 30, 2024
The Process Selection Matrix: A 2x2 for Enlightened Product TeamsUgh. Every week. Another debate about process…Aug 22, 2024Aug 22, 2024
9 *Human* Challenges with Using AI Co-PilotsI recently gave a short talk on the dangers of LLMs (large language models). Most of what I shared echoed things I’ve read from Emily M…May 31, 2023May 31, 2023
The Spoon Theory, ExpandedA useful analogy that’s helped me to understand—and manage—difficult situations.Mar 22, 20234Mar 22, 20234
Building A Preferred FutureIt’s about much more than leaving Twitter, or ‘switching’ to Mastodon…Feb 28, 2023Feb 28, 2023
When Customer Journeys Don’t Work: Arcs, Loops, & TerrainFrustrated by the *linear sequence* of customer journeys? I think there’s another approach we can try: Arcs, Loops, and Terrain.Sep 3, 20216Sep 3, 20216